Black Sage launches one-off drone protection service to stadiums and public events

C-UAS company Black Sage is offering a new service to protect stadiums and other open-air venues from the threat of unauthorised drone flights.

By offering temporary, or one-time counter drone protection as a service, Black Sage is providing stadiums and venues a relatively low-cost solution for specific high-risk events,” according to the company. “The Black Sage team will work directly with security personnel and local law enforcement to ensure safety and security at any event.

“Black Sage has worked with military and government customers over the past several years to protect against the threat of drones at fixed sites. We are proud to now offer our capabilities as a service that allows commercial venues to have protection without the cost associated with purchasing and maintaining permanent installations,” said Black Sage Technologies Managing Partner Ross Lamm Ph.D..

According to the company, the Black Sage counter drone system provides: early detection to allow law enforcement to take action even before the drone is airborne, AI classification to reduce false alarms, operator location to assist law enforcement in apprehension, and forensic data to ensure prosecution is all provided by the service.

“While this new service allows stadiums to add this extra level of security for specific, high-risk events, Black Sage still offers permanent or semi-permanent solutions for stadiums and venues seeking long-term counter drone protection. Permanent installations are easily integrated into existing security systems and includes hands-on training and technical support.”

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