US defence agency takes delivery of mobile counter drone capability supplied by ELTA North America

ELTA North America reports delivery of its counter drone solution, the On-The-Move V4 (OTM V4), to address the US Assistant Secretary of Defense Special Operations/Low-Intensity Conflict (ASD SO/LIC) Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office (CTTSO) mobile C-sUAS defense-in-depth capability.

According to a press release from ELTA North America, the OTM V4 system implements a multi-sensor, multi-layer architecture that protects against various types of rotary and fixed-wing UAS. The solution was designed to be installed on off-road vehicles and operate while on the move.

ELTA North America, under contract with CTTSO, has developed and integrated a suite of fixed-site, transportable, and mobile C-UAS solutions, culminating with delivery of the OTM V4 capability. The OTM V4 integrates multiple capabilities to provide: Detection and tracking through the use of a state-of-the-art fully phased-array, multi-mission 3D radar; Classification from fused sensor data; Identification through a high-performance multi-sensor EO/IR unit capable of tracking and identifying both ground and air targets; Communication through ATAK and a private, secure tactical 4G/LTE network for sharing data across dismounted personnel;  Scalable Effects Mitigation to include non-kinetic electronic disruption and deterrence, precision RF drone takeover, a safe route/safe land capture system, and kinetic effects through highly accurate, computer-aided small arms fire.

“ELTA North America’s advanced Mobile C-sUAS Defense-In-Depth capability provides a unique purpose-built Tactical Operator driven integrated solution that will be employed by small tactical teams for dual organic C-sUAS force protection and to enhance situational awareness by identifying and engaging air and ground threats both static and on the move. We look forward to performance feedback of these first systems delivered with training from our supported DoD SOF OCONUS & DHS CONUS Operational Evaluations in 2021,” said Michael J. Trexler, ASD-SO/LIC CTTSO Tactical Operations Government Program Manager.

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