RPAS CivOps 2018 to take place in Paris, January 2018

The next RPAS European Civil Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Operators and Operations Forum will be hosted by the Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile (DGAC), on 16 and 17 January 2018.

RPAS CivOps 2018 is an international conference focusing on policy and regulatory matters for civil RPAS/drone operators. It will address operational matters, current & future applications, standard operational scenarios, Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA), operational experience, operator qualification, pilot training and qualification, test range safety rules, data protection and privacy, insurance, and the upcoming European Union RPAS/Drone regulation.

This conference is organized within the context of the Riga and Warsaw Declarations, the upcoming Helsinki Declaration, the RPAS content in the European Commission’s “Aviation Strategy” proposal to the European Parliament, EASA’s Notice of Proposed Amendment 2017-05, the EC’s Drone-Rules.EU project, SESAR’s Outlook Study, SESAR’s U-Space Blueprint, the “SORA” document published by JARUS, various ongoing national initiatives, and the conclusions of UVS International’s Survey on Civil Drone Operations.

The event web site, www.rpas-civops.com, is now online and the Call for Papers & the Presentation Proposal Submission Form are available.

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