New Austrian consortium formed to supply ANSP with automatic drone flight risk

The Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (FH Carinthia) is developing an online platform to support risk assessment of drone flights with weather service data provider UBIMET, air navigation service provider Austro Control and air traffic management systems supplier Frequentis in accordance with the relevant EU rules. In the final version of the “Drone Risk Austria” tool the system will automatically deliver digital risk information to the air navigation service provider for drone flights.

According to a press release: ”In addition to assessing the probability of a collision with an aircraft (air risk) or an object on the ground (ground risk), weather risk is essential for the operational planning of drones.”

“A storm or a thunderstorm can make the flight of a drone impossible, although the influence of the weather varies greatly depending on the size and weight of the flying object,” said Gernot Paulus, project manager of “Drone Risk Austria” at the FH Carinthia.

“We consider the definition of no-fly zones for drones based on weather-based geo-fencing to be particularly relevant,” said UBIMET CEO and co-founder Manfred Spatzierer, who also heads the company’s R&D department.

“This is about defining areas that are too risky for drone operations based on the combination of high-precision geo- and weather data,” Spatzierer said. “Ideally, the drone moves embedded in a sphere of real-time digital risk data to perfectly incorporate ground, air and weather conditions into route management at any point in its trajectory,”

“Drone Risk Austria” is funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology within the framework of the FTI “Take Off” programme. The total project value is €238,344. Project support and funding is carried out by the Austrian research funding company FFG.

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