Deadline approaches for UVS International survey on prioritising UAS/drone regulations

A survey is being conducted within the context of the NPA 2017-05 (A & B) published by the European Aviation Safety Agency, by Blyenburgh & Co on behalf of UVS International, to identify which Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) and Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) flight operations offer the most (commercial) potential so that safety regulators can prioritise their work in drawing up safety standards.

“Standard Scenarios” are to be elaborated applying the Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA), which is currently being produced by the Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems (JARUS). The order in which these “Standard Scenarios” are created should be prioritized – The flight operations that offer the most commercial potential should be dealt with first. This prioritization should be based on inputs supplied by the drone operators community.

The objectives of this survey are to:

  • Identify the market sectors in which drone flight operations are currently taking place;
  • Quantify the flight mission purposes of the flight operations (VLOS & BVLOS) currently taking place in compliance with the applicable national rules or regulations;
  • Identify the market sectors in which drone flight operations in the “Specific” operational category (below 500 ft above ground level & BVLOS) & in the “”Certified”” operational category (above 500 ft above ground level & BVLOS) are envisaged to take place tomorrow;
  • Quantify the flight mission purposes of the flight operations in the “Specific” & “”Certified” categories that are envisaged to take place tomorrow.

This survey is based on an operation-centric approach. Consequently, it does not make a distinction between UAS/RPAS/drones according to their mass and is aimed at the UAS/RPAS/Drone operators community in all countries in the European Union, as well as in all countries outside of the European Union. Operator: A company, organisation or person carrying out drone flight operations, or planning to do so.

The conclusions of this survey will be made publicly available on a no-cost basis to all interested parties. It will be published in the “Community Info” section on In addition, the conclusions will be supplied electronically to ICAO, European Commission (DG ECHO, DG ENV, DG GROW, DG HOME, DG MOVE, DG Research), European Union agencies (EASA, ESA, GSA, SESAR), EUROCONTROL, JARUS. All national aviation authorities, UVS International members, national drone associations (members of the International RPAS Coordination Council) and drone & aviation community stakeholders that are present in the Blyenburgh & Co database will be notified and receive a link to the conclusions.

Submission deadline is 30 September 2017

For more information and to take part In this survey please visit:

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