Australian transport department invites comments on drone remote ID

Australian Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts has released a paper on the best way to adopt Remote Identification (ID) for drone use in Australia. Comments are invited to prepare the way for a potential remote ID mandate for drones. The consultation process will lead to developing policy options through a formal Policy Impact Analysis process during 2023.

Remote Identification (Remote ID or RID) is a technology incorporated into drones to provide information about where they are flying and who is flying them.

Better information about where drones are operating will enable the continued safe and efficient operation of drones. As technology evolves, it will be increasingly important to manage our airspace to accommodate more aircraft and users.

Remote ID can also assist identify drone operators and make sure they remain accountable.

The transport department’s paper is a starting point for ongoing discussion and collaboration between government, industry and the broader community across 3 broad themes:

  • data and access
  • technology
  • usage.

It aims to:

  • identify opportunities and risks associated with drone technology
  • outline some of the current approaches for managing issues
  • propose an approach to policy development.

The discussion paper seeks feedback on the potential introduction of Remote ID requirements for drones in Australia. All options are being considered, including ‘no action’ or only introducing Remote ID for a subset of aircraft classes or use cases. A Remote ID mandate may be limited based on a range of factors, including:

Access the paper here

Deadline to respond: 28 July 2023

Please send submissions to:

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