Wingcopter and ITOCHU start type certification process in Japan

With the support of ITOCHU Corporation, Wingcopter has applied and received acceptance for opening the type certification process of its Wingcopter 198 delivery drone in Japan. 

Upon successful type certification, Wingcopter will be granted permission to conduct flights equivalent to Level 4. Level 4 refers to flights beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) in populated areas, significantly expanding the application range of drones. 

ITOCHU and Wingcopter aim to use the Wingcopter 198 to establish drone delivery networks and services that can provide an air bridge to overcome various social challenges by transporting vital and urgently needed goods.

ITOCHU, which is a long-time business partner and investor in Wingcopter, will conduct several proof of concepts tests under special permits until the expected type certification.

In addition to the type certification efforts in Japan, Wingcopter is currently undergoing the Federal Aviation Administration type certification process in the United States.

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