UK CAA publishes guidance to support beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) operations

The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has published guidance describing how the regulator is working with the industry to get progress towards safe routing beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) flights in the UK.

The CAA’s Guidance for Operating Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) provides a roadmap to achieve BVLOS. It explains to the wider aviation community what unmanned vehicles flying BVLOS need to fit into and the challenges that some of these other airspace users also face. It sets out the kind of testing we think needs to take place to satisfy regulators on safety and the kinds of wider data sharing that would need to occur for unmanned vehicles to sense and avoid other aircraft.

The CAA describes its work in an innovation case study in support of BVLOS operations. The CAA aims to make flying of unmanned aircraft beyond the visual line of sight of the operator a safe everyday occurrence and to unlock a whole range of flying from drone deliveries to search and rescue.

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