Transport Canada seeks proposals for RPAS traffic management services (UTM) testing

Transport Canada is seeking proposals from innovators that will help set the requirements for, and the deployment of services needed for Canada’s Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) Traffic Management (RTM) system, or Unmanned Aircraft Systems Traffic Management (UTM).

The notice released by Transport Canada says these systems can manage remotely piloted aircraft operating in Canadian airspace and have features like RPAS tracking, remote identification, and conflict resolution. With new technologies and uses for RPAS emerging, RTM services will be developed, rolled-out and introduced into use.

In this series of tests, Transport Canada is looking for proposals from innovators that will help set the requirements for, and the deployment of services needed for Canada’s RTM system. These tests will be ongoing. Transport Canada expects that this will be the beginning of a series of calls looking for more and more sophisticated and complex proposals as services and technology are proven and advanced.

This call for proposals is for the following groups:

  • Aviation industry
  • RPAS industry stakeholders
  • Telecommunications industry
  • Technology research, development and innovation sector
  • RPAS operators

The package contains:

  • Background, scope and purpose of the tests
  • Test selection process
  • Supporting documents including:
    • Transport Canada’s strategy for implementing RTM in Canada
    • Selection criteria for tests
    • Background on Nav Canada’s situational awareness application
    • Glossary of RTM-related terms
    • Service provision table
    • Example of the kind of data that we’re looking for
    • Templates for expression of interest and written proposal

To request a copy of the RTM services trials package please email:

Deadline for submission of expression of interest is 7 June 2020

For more information visit:

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