Transport Canada approves medical BVLOS flights by Drone Delivery Canada in southern Ontario

Drone Delivery Canada (DDC) has received official approval from Transport Canada for Beyond Visual Line-of-Sight (BVLOS) flights in tandem with the transportation of dangerous goods for its Care by Air drone route.

The Care by Air project is the company’s longest commercial route to date at 13.4km and involves the transportation of medical radioisotopes by drone. The company has worked in collaboration with McMaster University, DSV Canada, Air Canada Cargo, Halton Healthcare and the Oakville Trafalgar Hospital on this project.

Transport Canada has approved DDC to conduct BVLOS flights in the Golden Horseshoe/Southern Ontario area while transporting Class 7 dangerous goods. The company’s procedures, practices and personnel were audited by both the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) and Transport Canada to ensure that the company met the strict safety requirements needed to both operate BVLOS flights and to transport medical radioisotopes.

All operations will be conducted in accordance with the CNSC regulations, Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations, the Canadian Aviation Regulations and Transport Canada special flight operations certificates.

According to the DDC press release, the approval from Transport Canada marks a significant milestone for DDC and signifies the government’s recognition of the company’s technology and rigorous safety standards. With the BVLOS flight authorization, DDC’s drones will be able to operate beyond the visual range of operators, expanding the reach and capabilities of their autonomous fleet, while improving operational efficiencies.

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