Skyguide to digitalise drone flight authorisations for Vaud police

Skyguide’s U-Space team has signed a contract with the Cantonal Police of Vaud to digitalise drone flight authorisations. The agreement inaugurates Skyguide’s Authority Approval Service within the Swiss Drone Portal, enabling the digital management of drone flight authorisations. 

Drone pilots and operators will file their activities through Skyguide’s Swiss U-Space application, and the authorities will review and manage the flight authorisation requests via Skyguide’s Special Flight Office tool.

Hosted in the public cloud, this Software as a Service (SaaS) will be implemented across the entire Canton of Vaud. The roll-out will increase the Cantonal Police of Vaud’s capabilities, with upcoming cantonal legislation updates and will support local authorities including aerodromes, prison facilities, wildlife protection departments, and police forces. 

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