Singapore introduces drone registration from January 2020

The Civil Aviation Administration of Singapore (CAAS) is introducing mandatory registration for Unmanned Aircraft (UA) from 2 January 2020, based on recommendations delivered by the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Advisory Panel (UASAP) in October 2019.

The new rule requires any UA with a total weight exceeding 250 grams to be registered with CAAS before it can be flown in Singapore.  The registration process involves the purchase of a registration label bearing a unique UA registration number, followed by submission of a photo of the UA affixed with the registration lable. A one-time registration fee of SID15 per UAS will be collected at the point of purchase of the registration label. This is within the SID20 that was recommended by the UASAP. UAS users can purchase the registration labels online or over the counter at any of the designated Singpost post offices from 2 January 2020. Registrants must be 16 years or older and need to provide basic personal details on the UA with the photo.

UAS users have a 3-month grace period from 2 January 2020 to register their UAS. From 2 April 2020, it will be an offence to operate or fly an unregistered UA in Singapore. Offenders could face a fine of up to SID10,000 and/or imprisonment not exceeding six months.

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