Nova Systems Asia has posted a YouTube summary of Singapore’s unmanned research and development activity, summarising findings of 18 months’ activity and presented by project manager Dr Terry Martin. The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) and Ministry of Transport is co-funding a multinational consortium led by Nova Systems tasked with developing technological capabilities in Unmanned Air Traffic Management (UTM) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) based package delivery in urban environments that commenced in 2018. The programme included a critical examination of LTE comms and GPS within a metropolitan environment, alongside detailed UAV-UAV Separation studies and the design of distribution networks for UTM based package delivery.
Consortium members include: OneSky, Analytical Graphics Inc (AGI), Scout Aerial Media, M1 Limited, and Rohde and Schwarz.
The work included:
- The development of ASTM compliant UTM System complete with Remote Identification Functionality, Conformance Monitoring, Constraint Management, Strategic Conflict Detection AND Deconfliction (for a subset of use cases).
- Flight trials captured signal propagation statistics for LTE in a variety of clutter environments and development of predictive models for signal latency, availabity and continuity. This information was used to develop an initial separation model for separation of UAVs in a UTM.
- Design of a UAV Package Delivery supply network that employed the ASTM compliant UTM , considered separation and optimised network capacity.
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