SESAR JU launches digital European Sky awards – U-space included

The SESAR JU has announced the launch of the Digital European Sky Awards, which includes an award for U-space projects. According to the joint undertaking:

“The 2021 edition of the SESAR JU awards, aims to celebrate successful SESAR 2020 projects and achievements in the following five categories:

  • The SESAR Exploratory Research Awardrecognises projects that are challenging the ATM status quo and demonstrating the potential to significantly advance aviation performance.
  • The SESAR Industrial Research Awardrecognises projects which are able to demonstrate specific and measurable achievements, providing evidence that the innovation can be sustained and lead to industry best practice.
  • The SESAR Demonstration Awardrecognises projects which are showing excellence in technology or levels of service, with the potential to have long-term positive influence on improving ATM performance.
  • The SESAR ATM Sustainability Awardrecognises projects recognises those working towards reducing aviation’s impact on the environment and making significant contributions to improving the environmental footprint of aviation through ATM.
  • The SESAR U-space Awardrecognises SESAR funded U-space research projects exhibiting tangible results towards the integration of drones into European airspace, contributing to the U-space vision of the safe, efficient and secure access to airspace for large numbers of drones.

Multiple submissions are accepted from SESAR 2020 industrial research projects, given that many are contributing to more than one solution/deliverable. The contributions will be evaluated by a distinguished panel of ATM experts, based on the following criteria:

Scoring 1-5:

  • Compliance with project objectives
  • Relevance in the project’s work (deliverables/approach/team expertise)
  • Overall project performance and integration into the SESAR programme
  • Positive impact on the environment

Scoring 1-3:

  • Gender balance of project members
  • Effectiveness of communication activities

Shortlisted projects will progress to the next stage in the process whereby the wider ATM community and public will be able to vote for their favourite ATM research and innovation projects.

The results will be announced during a virtual awards ceremony on 17 June 2021.

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