Poland records 12.7% increase in drone flights, exceeding half a million in 2023

Poland’s air navigation services agency (PANSA) has released its annual report on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) operations for 2023. Key highlights:

  • 668,786 drone operations
  • 12,7% year-over-year growth.

According to data from the PansaUTM system, in 2023 the number of active, unique users of the system was approximately 47,700. They reported a total of 668,786 UAV operations by creating the so-called Check-in. This is more than twice the number of manned VFR operations handled by FIS informants, which was over 275,000 during the same period.

The largest number of reported UAV operations was recorded in the period between May and July 2023. The number of operations in this period on a four-week basis fluctuated between approximately 80,000 and 87,000, which gives an average of approximately 83,000. The fewest flight reports were recorded at the end of the year. In weeks 49-52, 18,667 check-ins were registered in the PansaUTM system (the monthly average was approximately 55,000).

Looking at the number of submitted missions year by year, this indicator also shows an increasing trend. The number of missions that were planned in the PansaUTM system in 2023 by approximately 3,000 unique users and accepted by the UAV Operations Coordination Department was 22,366. Compared to last year, this means an increase of 19.4%, and in relation to 2021. by 9.9 percent

Looking at all these indicators, it is clearly visible that in Poland, year by year, more and more people perform UAV operations and use the PansaUTM system more and more often.

According to data from the Civil Aviation Office, as of December 31, 2023, there were 222,086 UAV operators registered in Poland.

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