PansaUTM team introduces digital UTM services to five towers and three FIS sectors

The PansaUTM team within the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency (PANSA) reports that from 15 July 2020 the team has operationally implemented the system in five new towers and three Flight Information Service Sectors.

Mateusz Kotlinski, Unmanned Traffic Management Project Manager, in a Linkedin post reports: “It means that almost all drone operators in Poland can conduct the digital coordination of UAV flights with Polish Air Navigation Services Agency and their air traffic controllers and flight information service officers! The last TWR EPWA is scheduled to be implemented in September.”

According to a description of the system on the PANSA website the PansaUTM system facilitates the flight coordination process, providing the information on operators, their licences and registered drones if needed to assess the UAV flight requests.

“PansaUTM system with the dFPL (drone Flight Plan) functionality (i.e. UAV flight plans) provides also for electronic creation of BVLOS (Beyond Visual Line of Sight) and VLOS (Visual Line of Sight) missions in accordance with applicable regulations taking into account terrain and air conditions such as airspace structure occupation, operational limitations, and weather. A mission thus created primarily in controlled zones are analysed by the system in order to issue digitalised permission for specific UAV flights at the pre-tactical stage. The process takes place fully electronically and in real time detecting potential conflicts in the airspace at the strategic level and improving the planning, verification and approval of UAV missions. The most important element of the system is the air traffic control interface and support of the safe air navigation services provision.

“PansaUTM includes also the functionalities of real-time e-identification and location of a drone (provided it uses any of the selected tracking methods), dynamic geo-fencing that allows selected UAV operators to order the drone to land, and direct two-way non-verbal communication between air traffic services and UAV operator through the so-called CDDLC (Controller-Drone Data Link Communication), which contributes to deconfliction at the strategic level. The system decreases the workload of air traffic services simultaneously preparing for expected increase in the number of UAV operations in the future. The system is designed to ensure the existing level of safety of other airspace users.”

For more information

(Image: PANSA)

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