Norway reports a doubling in drone operations supported by Ninox Drone app

Drone flights are still strong despite challenging weather and little sunlight in Norway, according to traffic figures released by air navigation service provider Avinor.

In October, Avinor recorded 1,597 drone flights based on its drone service application, Ninox Drone. This represents an increase of 84% compared to October 2022. So far this year, Avinor has experienced an increase of 104% compared to 2022.

Avinor also registered increased traffic figures for its manned aircraft operations. In October, 4,5 million passengers travelled through Norwegian airports, up 1,5% compared to previous year. It is the international segment that is driving the development with a growth of 5 %.

The results are still below pre-pandemic figures in total, but there are certain markets that are performing above 2019 levels, like Spain, Germany, UK, Italy and Greece. Avninor also reports a regularity of 99% and punctuality of 87% in October 2023.

Drone pilots operating in Norway can register flights for free using the Ninox Drone app. The Ninox Drone operator is available online for free. It provides updated map information with restricted areas, as well as flight plans from other drone operators.

In Ninox Drone, operators can also apply for permission to fly drones within the prohibition zone of 5 kilometers around all Norwegian airports.

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