New Mexico State University drone test site adds SkyLine managed command and control platform from uAvionix

The New Mexico State University Physical Science Laboratory (NMSU PSL) and uAvionix Corporation have partnered to support networked autonomous Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) operations at the NMSU PSL UAS Flight Test Site. uAvionix is supplying its SkyLine managed command and control platform to the NMSU PSL test site, one of the seven FAA-designated UAS Flight Test Sites.

SkyLine combines certified hardware and software into services for seamless management of UAS missions and infrastructure. SkyLine’s first deployment and testbed was for VANTIS, North Dakota’s state-wide UAS C2 network.

The NMSU UAS flight test site operates its own UAS fleet ranging from small battery-powered units to complex medium-altitude systems and has a team of pilots, aircrew, engineers, and technicians to advance the research and development of new technology for homeland security, agriculture, defence, science, and supporting standards development for UAS regulators for the integration of unmanned systems into the National Airspace System.

The SkyLine C2 platform consists of scalable and robust Ground Radio hardware communicating with aircraft Airborne Radios (MicroLink) operating from 902-928MHz that are managed by a cloud-based network service layer (SkyLine), which monitors and manages signal strength, roaming/handoffs, and provides centralized control for mission-critical and BVLOS (Beyond Visual Line of Sight) operations. For higher-risk operations such as Air Mobility and Critical Infrastructure, uAvionix is developing RTCA DO-362A C-Band GRS and ARS hardware for maximum reliability and protection by operating on a licensed protected spectrum to prevent unwanted and unsafe interference.

“Introducing our managed command and control capabilities to the PSL UAS Flight Test Site enables NMSU PSL customers to develop certifiable platforms and safety case approval for BVLOS operations. SkyLine leverages our extensive aviation heritage applied to C2 radios and will enable the NMSU PSL team to monitor and control aircraft location, network health, capacity, and roaming capabilities directly from the SkyLine Service Platform,” said Christian Ramsey, President of uAvionix.

Henry Cathey, Director of PSL Aerospace Division and NMSU UAS Test Flight Site said: “Utilizing a scalable infrastructure that will make use of RTCA DO-362A standards will enable our customers to build and safely test their capabilities in a certifiable way and will ensure our faculty and trained staff of pilots, aircrew, engineers, and technicians will remain at the front end of technology development.”

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