Japan’s UAS development association signs MoU with European autonomous transport association

Japan Uncrewed Aerial System (UAS) Industrial Development Association (JUIDA) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with ATOS, the European Association for Autonomous Transport and Open Systems.

The collaboration will focus on the UAS and AAM sectors. It will include: sharing information and updates, participating in research projects, conferences, surveys and more. As Japan is one of the countries at the forefront of this Sky Revolution, JUIDA plans to use its vision and knowledge to contribute to the continued advancement of the autonomous transport systems.

The mission of ATOS is to represent the industry corporations and individuals as well as academia circles, to facilitate presentation of the community views to EU regulators and policy makers, government and local officials, media, influencers, raise awareness and achieve acceptance in the society of AI Technology transportation future in synergy with the newly introduced Green Pact.

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