GUTMA to replace Barcelona Connected Skies event with series of webinars

The Global UTM Association (GUTMA) has announced it “will deliver the Connected Skies conference online following GSMA’s recent MWC Barcelona 2020 announcement.”

According to an association press release:

“GUTMA respects and understands the decision made by the GSMA in their statement this week announcing the cancellation of this year’s MWC Barcelona event.

“While the physical Connected Skies conference as part of MWC 2020 in Barcelona has been cancelled, GUTMA will aim to organise a series of short public virtual Connected Skies Webinars between now and 2nd of June when Harmonized Skies Singapore event takes place. These webinars will be taking place via GoToMeeting video conferencing and will be animated and delivered by our confirmed Connected Skies moderators and speakers.

“GUTMA is committed in connecting the mobile telecommunication and unmanned aviation communities to enable the sharing of the latest achievements, trends and discuss key opportunities and challenges across the two sectors. By hosting virtual events GUTMA will connect thought leaders and decision makers from both the telecommunication and aviation industries throughout the coming weeks.

“The dates and topics of the various Webinars will be published in the next few days. The online presentations, virtual panels and Q&A sessions will be accessible to all and free of charge.

“We regretfully turn the page on the physical “Connected Skies – Barcelona, but look forward to a broader reaching virtual “Connected Skies – Online”, said Simon Johnson, GUTMA’s acting Secretary General.

For more information

(Image: GUTMA)

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