GUTMA Harmonised Skies forum on 4 December coincides with Drone Enable 2023 in Montreal

The Global UTM Association is holding this year’s Harmonised Skies event at ICAO’s headquarters in Montreal, Canada, in the context of Drone Enable 2023 which takes place from 5-7 December. Harmonized Skies gathers key industry and policy stakeholders from the UTM and the wider drone services ecosystem.

This year’s edition will focus on:

  • Global Opening of the UTM Market: Regulating the market for the international expansion of UTM services.
  • Sustainable Business Models: Creating economically viable models within the UTM ecosystem.
  • Automation and Scalability: Exploring the latest developments and opportunities for efficient UTM operations.
  • Automated Testing for Harmonized Certification: Highlighting the significance of automated testing for ensuring the safety and reliability of UTM systems.

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