Goodwood Aerodrome to deploy Altitude Angel’s approval services platform

Goodwood Aerodrome is to deploy Altitude Angel’s Approval Services platform which allows drone operators, and in the future electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) pilots, the ability to digitally request and pay for operations within the airport’s airspace. Formerly known as RAF Westhampnett, Goodwood Aerodrome has been in operation as a civil airfield since 1958.

Altitude Angel’s platform enables drone operators to submit flight plans, which take place in part wholly or in part, within an airport’s FRZ, as well as facilitating any charges the airport has in place when a flight is approved.

Mark Gibb, Head of Aviation at Goodwood Aerodrome, said that the number of requests to fly drones, whether to film sporting or mass entertainment occasions, or to obtain footage of a personal occasion such as a wedding, as well as those from recreational operators, has risen dramatically in recent years. The aerodrome previously operated a web-based permission form.

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Altitude Angel

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