German partners launchSkyTRACKplus project to integrate manned and unmanned aviation

Around 30 participants from 16 aviation-related organisations came together as partners in the mFUND project SkyTRACKplus, officially launched at Mönchengladbach Airport in April 2023.

The project aims to develop plannable, weather-robust mixed flight operation of manned and unmanned aviation. For this purpose, the two NRW innovation airports of Mönchengladbach and Paderborn are being linked for the first time with a stopover in rural areas.

Droniq is supporting the project with its UTM traffic management system for drones and associated technology which is designed to enable a combined live air situation picture from manned and unmanned aerial vehicles. The largest project task on the part of Droniq is the creation of an operational concept including risk analysis (SORA and ConOps). Droniq is also working together with DFS Aviation Services GmbH on the procedure for air traffic control clearance.

Project partners and stakeholders:
Mönchengladbach Airport | PAD Innovation Airport | Droniq GmbH | FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences | Germandrones GmbH | DFS Aviation Services GmbH

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