Droniq offers short-term free UTM access to encourage more BVLOS operations

German provider of Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) services, Droniq, has launched a campaign to encourage drone operators to expand beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) operations for a limited period. Interested parties are invited to apply to Droniq for a UTM package consisting of free access to the UTM system and a free Hook-on-Device (HOD). Droniq says most commercial and governmental drones are used within the range of vision of the controller. The “Germany flies BVLOS” campaign is expected to change this.

From the submissions, Droniq will select the best 10 interested parties who will be provided with the UTM and HOD for the period until 31 December 2020. The prerequisite is that they describe their project in detail. The deadline for participation is 31 August 2020.

Droniq integrates drones safely and efficiently into German airspace using the existing LTE infrastructure. To make the drone visible to air traffic control, the company has developed an LTE Hook-on-Device (HOD) modem that can be attached to any aircraft and sends its current position via LTE to the UAS Traffic Management System (UTM). The positions are displayed together with the relevant manned air traffic in a live air situation operated by the Germany air navigation service provider DFS. This UTM TrackViewer is available via web application on every terminal.

Droniq enables safe, efficient UAV operations even out of the controller’s sight and electronic visibility via live air situation of unmanned and manned aircraft for companies, control centers, authorities such as police fire brigade and rescue service and other drone operators.

Application form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=c9TBnKXc-kKmVdspQ5VKqFvGhhFrKM5Kg_nTMWt8sEBURTVMRzBHNjkzVDZaQjlGVDZTTTgxT1hCNC4u

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