Droniq launches UTM TrackViewer to give German drone operators a view of nearby aircraft operations

German UTM company Droniq has launched UTM TrackViewer, a subscription-based lower airspace surveillance tool which gives drone operators a real-time display of aircraft movements in a defined area over Germany.

“The UTM TrackViewer is a web application through which a UAS operator can observe air traffic in the area of his UAS operation,” says a company website statement. “The TrackViewer displays the positions of aircraft equipped with a HOD4track as well as the relevant manned air traffic in the vicinity.

“This is done by fusing different sensor data (e.g. MODE-S, FLARM and ADS-B). The web application thus provides the UAS operator with real-time situational awareness. Other aircraft can be seen and details of individual aircraft (if available) such as identifier, speed, altitude and rate of climb and descent and their flight movements can be retrieved.”

Key features of the application include:

  • All relevant aircraft movements are displayed in the lower airspace.
  • Multisensor data fusion is used to acquire data sources such as primary/secondary radar, ADS-B, FLARM or HOD4track.
  • Users can track flight movement and view previous flight history and projected flight direction
  • TrackViewer displays aircraft details (e.g. identification, speed, altitude and climb or descent rates).
  • Aircraft (aeroplane, helicopter, drone) are visually differentiated.

For more information

UTM TrackViewer Monatslizenz

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