China’s CAAC “publishes rules for inter-island drone delivery operations”

China’s NetEase news website reports that the Civil Aviation Administration of China CAAC) has published its “General Requirements for Logistics Operations of Civilian Unmanned Aircraft Systems Part 1: Island Scenarios”, which will be effective from November 1, 2023.

The document outlines the general requirements for the operation of civil unmanned aircraft systems for logistics in island scenarios, according to the news source, “including operator requirements and operational requirements, covering the operator, operating procedures and manuals, unmanned aircraft systems, operating environment and take-off and landing sites, operational control, communication support, navigation and radio requirements, etc.,

It aims to enable small, medium and large civil unmanned aircraft systems carry out over-the-horizon logistics operations in island scenes. “It should be noted that the “island scene” here refers to any unmanned aircraft operating route (beyond visual line of sight) over an island or coastal area, where at least one take-off point or landing point is located on an island reef (including a peninsula), on and near offshore fixed installations.”

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