ANRA becomes latest member to join Drone Logistics Ecosystem stakeholder group

Drone Logistics Ecosystem (DLE) has welcomed ANRA Technologies as the latest member joining the club of organizations and stakeholders in the drone delivery industry. The aim of the DLE is to bring together stakeholders to collaborate to stimulate standardization in this rapidly emerging industry. Hence, accelerating cross-border marketing and commercialization of products and services of its members.

ANRA is working with India’s largest food delivery company called Swiggy for the provision of airspace end-to-end services for package drone deliveries. ANRA’s delivery services experience also extends to a Future Flight Challenge project in the UK with NHS (National Health Service) Scotland medical drone delivery, deploying a robust digital twin and conducting live operations.

There is a crawl, walk, run, approach to drone deliveries with some regions being early adopters. ANRA sees medical drone deliveries in the first phase of the drone deliveries as being acceptable to many stakeholders and palatable to the general public. Joining DLE will provide a platform for networking and collaboration with organisations like AirGo to bring drone deliveries to the customer,” stated Amit Ganjoo, Founder and CEO of ANRA.

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