NASA selects LMI consortium to study access to Upper Class E traffic management and develop a roadmap

The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has selected a team led by logistics company LMI to conduct a study of Upper Class E airspace markets and traffic management.

The study, “Support to NASA Aeronautics ATM-X Upper Class E Traffic Management System Development,” is funded by NASA’s Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate’s ATM-eXploration (ATM-X) Project under the Airspace Operations and Safety Program. ATM-X has research objectives that include enabling all vehicle and mission access to the National Airspace System (NAS).

Team members include Crown Consulting, Georgia Tech Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory and GRA.

Upper Class E airspace is over 60,000 feet above mean sea level in the National Airspace System (NAS). Operations in Upper Class E airspace have historically been limited due to the challenges faced by conventional fixed-wing aircraft operating in lower atmospheric density.

A press release by Crown Consulting says the company is providing airspace expertise and background in evolving advanced air mobility (AAM) concepts to align state-of-the-art traffic management concepts, support a gap assessment and develop a roadmap to routine Upper Class E airspace access and operations.

“This study will provide insights to another critical dimension of AAM as it continues to progress toward a seamless and fully accessible airspace system,” said Crown Vice President for Science and Research Programs Tom Davis.

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