FAA is developing policy and business rules to support remote ID use cases following NUAIR demonstration

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) says policy and business rules are currently being developed in order to support the technology that is being developed to apply Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) volume reservations (UVRs). The concept was demonstrated by the Northeast UAS Airspace Integration Research Alliance (NUAIR) during UPP 2.

According to a YouTube post, NUAIR has demonstrated how public safety officials can receive and on information about drone movements using remote ID. The example takes a busy flight area in the test site where a fireworks event takes place near a farmers’ market. A public safety officer requests a UVR ahead of the event. This information is available from U-space service providers (USS) and informs airspace users that the airspace is closed. Drones not connected to a USS may not receive this information. However, law enforcement can use remote ID to locate any rogue drones and request operator contact details from the FAA. This enables them to contact the operator.

Among potential scenarios where UVRs can be used, the FAA highlights applications in search and rescue, fire-fighting operations, medevac operations, or generally alerting to potential manned operations in the area. The FAA says the creation and distribution of a UVR is a component of the data exchange that the FAA is looking to enable on the industry side and notify the FAA on an ‘as-needed’ basis. This provides a common situational awareness picture for all those operating in that common area and provides the operators with an extra component of information in order to conduct their operations safely. “We envision UVRs to be small in space and small in time constraints, so they don’t necessarily have a direct tie-in to our traditional temporary flight restriction process. Within UVRs, we envision there’s multitudes of actions that an operator could take.”

NUAIR also reports completion of its most technologically advanced and complex operation at the NY UAS test site, where it demonstrated high-density urban operations consisting of 18 aircraft safely occupying 0.2 square miles of airspace.

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