Eurocae invites comments on draft performance standards for RPAS emergency recovery functions

European standards agency Eurocae has released a draft document prepared by Eurocae Working Group 105 SG-53 “ERA – Automation and Emergency Recovery ” for open consultation: Draft ED-281 “Minimum Aviation Systems Performance Standard for RPAS Automation and Emergency Recovery functions”.

The document provides the Minimum Aviation System Performance Standard for the implementation of an Automation and Emergency Recovery (A&ER) capability for a fixed-wing Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) operating in non-segregated airspace and aircraft ground manoeuvring areas. This document is intended to provide globally recognised allocations for performance within the functions of a generic A&ER capability (i.e. both the airborne and the ground-based components of the capability in order to ensure a harmonised approach worldwide leading to enhanced global safety.

The document as well as the forms are posted on the Eurocae portal at Eurocae workspace. Respondents are invited to review the proposed draft and complete the comment form. Early replies are encouraged. All comments must be submitted by 27/07/2020.

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