EASA updates easy access rule for drones using its eRules revision platform

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has published revised updates to the Easy Access Rules for Drones based on ED Decision 2020/022/R amending the AMC and GM to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947 and to Part-UAS. The Decision clarifies the conditions for authorising UAS operations over populated areas and assemblies of people in the ‘specific’ category, ensures the interoperability of the EASA Member States’ national registration systems for UAS operators and for certified UAS that require registration, and introduces new predefined risk assessments (PDRAs) and improves the existing PDRA.

The revisions include changes to AMC and GM published in December 2020 such as three new predefined risk assessments; SORA updated with the ground risk class; and registration of UAS Operators.

Being generated through the eRules platform, the document will be updated regularly to incorporate further changes and evolutions to the content.

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