Drone strategy 2.0 for Europe to foster sustainable and smart mobility – EU opens consultation period

The European Commission has launched a consultation – starting on 8 October and concluding on 31 December 2021 – to support the development “A Drone Strategy 2.0 for a smart and sustainable unmanned aircraft eco-system in Europe”.

Building on the policies and regulatory framework already in place at EU level in this area, this public consultation aims to gather information and feedback from the most relevant stakeholders and from the wider public as to how the EU Drone Policy can contribute to a new offer of sustainable aerial services and transport. This consultation should help to identify the steps that could be taken to support a wider use of drones and the concerns that would need to be addressed by EU public intervention to ensure a safe, efficient and sustainable development of a drone eco-system.

Participants are invited to contribute to this consultation by filling in the online questionnaire, or contacting the Commission by email.

The target audience includes:

  • Citizens, industry stakeholders (European and national organisations, individual companies: OEMs, UTM, ATM, UAS operators, U-space service providers, aerial services users, etc.), consumer protection associations,
  • sectoral organisations/ Union, including relevant uptake sectors, such as agriculture, health, transport, etc; and
  • urban and rural communities (including local and regional authorities) and their networks, non-Governmental Organisations, including in the environmental field.

Deadline: 31 December 2021

Contact: Giancarlo.CRIVELLARO@ec.europa.eu

For more information visit:



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