US DTRA seeks industry partners to counter sUAS threat

The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) is interested in high Technology Readiness Level (TRL) systems capable of capturing, physically rendering incapable of flying (knocking down), or destroying Group 1 and 2 small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS). Technologies which disrupt a platform’s GNSS and/or radio signals are not of interest.

According to the DTRA:

“If your firm can address any or all of these engagement profiles, submit a video and optional flight logs demonstrating proof of the capability. When high-quality live video is not available, animations of experimental (non-simulated) flight logs from a real sUAS engagement may be submitted, but these must be accompanied by copies of the flight logs readable in MS Excel. Concept videos and other non-experimental evidence should not be submitted and such submissions will not be reviewed. Preferably, submissions should show engagement of a moving UAS. Additionally, a single quad chart in submitter’s format should be submitted which clearly describes the physical means for disruption of the sUAS and any known limitations (e.g. platform-specific solutions). DTRA will not review any other marketing materials or information beyond the demonstration video, quad chart, and optional flight logs. Video submissions should be limited to 10Mb or less. Acceptable file formats include wmv and mp4 and should open in VLC without downloading additional CODEC’s. Should your firm be concerned about the classification of your submission, please provide a classified electronic mailing address in your response and DTRA will reach out via alternate channels to obtain the video. “

Solicitation number: DTRARFIUAS

Deadline: 13 July 2018

Responsible authority: The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)

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