Indian air force seeks domestic C-UAV equipment as part of USD1.5 billion air defence system

The Indian Air Force  is looking for Indian manufacturers to fill its requirement for its USD 1.5 billion Close-in Weapon Systems (CIWS) to replace its ageing Russian L-70 and ZU-23-2B air defence systems, including a requirement for counter-UAV systems.

A tender has been issued to local companies under the ‘Make in India’ initiative, and the Government wants domestic companies to partner with overseas contractors to fulfill the bid requirements.

The CIWS package comprises 244 air defence guns, 228 fire control and search radars, and 204,000 programmable bullets. The new guns will have a range of 3.5 kilometres and be able to fire 200 rounds per minute – targeting fighters, helicopters, UAVs and cruise missiles. The Air Force aims to acquire the CIWS units within the next seven years and will integrate the systems with air command-and-control systems.

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