US Coast Guard to test counter drone technology

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has authorised the US Coast Guard to conduct an operational pilot to test and evaluate Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems(C-UAS) capabilities used to detect, identify, and mitigate UAS that pose a credible threat. The Coast Guard will conduct the pilot testing during 2020, followed by operational deployment. The Coast Guard is authorised to mitigate threats from UAS where they impact special events or public safety under the Preventing Emerging Threats Act of 2018.

The one-year pilot aims to develop and field systems which will protect Coast Guard activities. It includes coordination with other agencies, deployment of C-UAS capability, detection, tracking, identification, and mitigation of threats from UAS. The technology can include RF detection, radar, and electro-optical/infrared cameras. The DHS issues a privacy impact statement on 28 October setting out the conditions of the pilot programme.

The privacy impact assessment DHS/USCH/PIA-030 C-UAS can be found at:

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