UK moves to next stage in delivering Project Synergia C-UAS systems to military bases

The next stage of the UK’s Project Synergia counter-UAS system to protect UK military bases from drone attacks is being handed over to the UK’s  Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) in-service delivery team .

According to the DE&S Desider publication:

“Project Synergia was originally procured as a research and development programme in response to the threats posed by uncrewed aerial systems (UAS). Managed by DE&S’ Future Capabilities Group (FCG), Project Synergia, the counter-uncrewed aerial system (C-UAS) study is considered of high importance to national security and a means of further protecting UK military operating bases from hostile drone activity. Using technology delivered by Leonardo, it will enable the RAF to establish the most effective way to detect, track, identify and defeat hostile drones, as well as evaluate a range of capabilities including advanced radar, electro-optic and radio frequency sensors, and counter-measures.

“The system has been deployed for use in operations and used in the UK for Military Aid to Civilian Authorities (MACA). FCG have transitioned the capability to the Joint Sensor and Engagement Networks (JSENS) delivery team, meaning that the equipment can now be incorporated into the DE&S supply chain.”

In September 2020 Leonardo delivered the first of four complete baseline counter-drone systems to the Royal Air Force as part of the programme. “The RAF will also maintain the ORCUS system as an upgraded national standby capability, to be rapidly deployed anywhere in the country in support of emergency services in the event of a drone-based crisis,” according to Leonardo. “The modular systems provided by Leonardo for the study will allow the RAF to evaluate a range of capabilities including advanced radar, electro-optic and radio frequency sensors and an electronic attack countermeasure. In due course, further systems will be integrated for testing and evaluation. Throughout, RAF Force Protection operators will be examining the most effective ways to detect, track, identify and defeat rogue drones. In the long-run, the research and development programme will inform the requirements for a core RAF counter-drone capability, intended to

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(Image: Leonardo)

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