Thales signs cooperation agreement with Operational Solutions to deliver counter drone solutions

Thales and Operational Solutions Limited (OSL) have signed a cooperation agreement to further develop and deliver joint opportunities and solutions in the areas of civil counter-unmanned aerial vehicles and systems (C-UAV), as well as unmanned traffic management (UTM).

Under the agreement, Thales will incorporate OSL’s FACE command and control software platform into its civil C-UAV and UTM solutions.

According to a joint press release:

In the area of commercial airport counter-UAV systems, OSL’s FACE data fusion and command and control platform works with the Thales Eagleshield IDtect solution. FACE integrates and intelligently fuses data from multiple sensors including the Thales Gamekeeper – an innovative 3D holographic radar. This technology provides the ability to monitor the airport’s approach and departure paths out to a range of 7.5km, helping to avoid collisions between drones and aircraft. Fast and accurate detection of rogue drones not only helps to keep passengers safe, but also helps airports and airlines meet sustainability objectives, by reducing the fuel wastage and additional flight stacking caused by unauthorised drones use.

Gamekeeper and FACE have been acquired for use at several major airports, including as part of a comprehensive C-UAV system provided by OSL at London Heathrow, at Auckland airport in New Zealand, and for evaluation in Brazil. In the area of UTM, OSL and Thales intend to collaborate on opportunities to accelerate market adoption and establish a leading position in the global UTM market. There is also potential for cooperation in the area of ground-based air defence in the UK.

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