Russia successfully tests ‘combat laser designed to destroy unmanned aerial systems’

According to reports by Russian news agency RIA Novosti and Eurasian Times, Russia has successfully tested a combat laser designed to destroy unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) at a military training ground. An unnamed source said “the laser gun demonstrated high efficiency in hitting UAVs”. The source further added that the laser destroyed drones of both aircraft and quadcopter types.

“The testing comes when Russia has been ravaged by drone attacks that it attributes to Ukraine,” says Eurasian Times. Drozens of drones are alleged to have attacked Crimea in what is being touted as one of the biggest Ukrainian aerial attacks on Russian-held territory. The Russian Ministry of Defense (RuMoD) claims to have destroyed many drones and supressed those remaining using electronic jamming.

 (Image: LinkedIn, Eurasian Times)

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