Raytheon’s counter UAS directed energy weapons “nearly ready for battlefield deployment”

Raytheon reports US Air Force personnel used microwave systems and high-energy lasers produced by the company to bring down dozens of small drones during a recent exercise. The target drones were flying both alone and in swarms. The airmen used an Xbox-style controller to direct the laser and a joystick to operate the high-power microwave in real-world scenarios at the U.S. Army White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.

“Countering the drone threat requires diverse solutions,” said Stefan Baur, Raytheon Electronic Warfare Systems vice president.

According to a company press release the HEL system, paired with Raytheon’s Multi-spectral Targeting System of sensors, uses invisible beams of light. Mounted on a small, all-terrain, militarized vehicle, the system detects, identifies, tracks and engages drones. Raytheon’s HPM uses microwave energy to disrupt drone guidance systems. High-power microwave operators can focus the beam to bring down drone swarms. With a consistent power supply, an HPM system can provide “virtually unlimited protection”.

“The two systems complement one another. HPM can instantly defeat a swarm. HEL shoots down drones one at a time. If the laser is occupied and there’s another target coming, HPM can bring it down. Raytheon’s HEL and HPM were the only directed energy systems that participated in the demonstration, which was part of the Air Force Directed Energy Experimentation campaign.

“After decades of research and investment, we believe these advanced directed energy applications will soon be ready for the battlefield,” said Dr. Thomas Bussing, Raytheon Advanced Missile Systems vice president.

(Image: A Raytheon-built, mobile, high-energy laser system)

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