Rapid rise in counter drone technology says latest study from the Center for the Study of the Drone

The Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College, US, has released the second edition of “Counter-Drone Systems”, detailing growing demand for counter drone technology, how it works, and database of products worldwide. Counter-drone, or counter-UAS technology refers to systems used to detect and/or disable unmanned aircraft. As concerns mount around the potential security threats drones may pose to both civilian and military entities, a new market for counter-drone technology is emerging. The study includes 537 different counter-drone systems and describes the main detection and interdiction methods employed by products currently available on the market, as well as the principle platform types. It also describes the challenges of countering drones, lack of operational data and standards. The database lists 537 products and 277 manufacturers from 38 different countries.

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