New Dedrone RF-300 sensor “tracks drones, pilots, forensic evidence”

Dedrone has launched a new sensor, the RF-300, which automatically locates drones and their pilots.

According to the company “When combined with the broad coverage and early warning capabilities of Dedrone’s RF-100, the new RF-300 adds situational awareness for organizations to determine the nature and severity of threats from unauthorized drones.”

Key features of the RF-300 include:

  • Automatically tracks a drone’s flightpath, providing advance opportunity to protect sensitive infrastructure and deploy security measures
  • Pinpoints the location of a drone pilot, enabling security personnel to either alert law enforcement of an illegal intrusion or confront the pilot at their launch site
  • Connects to DroneTracker, Dedrone’s software platform, which combines multiple sensors and countermeasures, including RF, cameras, and microphones, for complete airspace security

“Dedrone’s RF-300 builds on the capabilities of the widely-deployed RF-100 sensor. Together, both sensors provide robust airspace security. The Dedrone RF-100 is designed to diagnose the number of drones in protected airspace, while the RF-300 collects forensic evidence to take recourse against malicious pilots and prevent them from disrupting a protected site….The Dedrone RF-300 is already in action. The technology was recently deployed the technology at a global economic meeting in Davos, Switzerland, which was attended by over 3,000 people, with events headlined by world’s most compelling politicians, scientists, and leaders. The police of the Canton of Graubündenm were responsible for the security of their attendees, and with Dedrone, were able to monitor their airspace in real time and, if necessary, intervene and stop a drone threat at an early stage.”

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