Laser Photonics and Fonon test laser anti-sUAS system

Laser Photonics Corporation (LPC) and Fonon Corporation have announced the successful early testing of Fonon’s Laser Shield Anti-Drone System (LSAD) prototype at LPC’s testing facility in Orlando.

The LSAD is being designed by Fonon in conjunction with Laser Photonics and is based on the two company’s existing laser technology. The tech, when fully complete, will address the threat of small-scale uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) in conflict zones and expeditionary locations. 

The system’s first proof of concept was recently completed and tested at Laser Photonics’ newly developed Customer Experience Center, which features an internal laser range. The range served to test the lasers’ capabilities in terms of precision and effectiveness when it came to targeting and destroying distant objects. 

Laser Photonics and Fonon Corporation are looking for a partner to collaborate with on tracking and target acquisition as they progress with the development of the LSAD system. 

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Laser Photonics

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