Japan to deploy airport drone detection equipment ahead of 2020 Olympics

Japan’s Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Ministry plans to install drone detection equipment to track unauthorised drones flying above airports according to a report published by Technology Inquirer. Several airports are due to be equipped ahead of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. System details have not been disclosed, but it is believed to be able to detect the location of a drone by tracking the signal transmitted by the device. The data is then displayed on a monitor. The surveillance area extends beyond the vicinity of an airport. The system is expected to be deployed at airports including Haneda, Narita and Kansai. In mid-October, several flights were delayed or diverted at Kansai International due to reports of drone sightings.

An experimental trial was conducted at an airport in Kochi Prefecture this summer and the ministry included about YEN200 million for the system’s installation in its budgetary requests for fiscal 2020.

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