Israeli flight trials demonstrate resilience to GNSS jamming scenarios, supporting BVLOS operation

An Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) flight trial carried out by Israel’s Ministry of Transportation, Innovation Authority and Civil Aviation Authority (CAAI) successfully demonstrated resilience to GNSS jamming scenarios, according to a report in The GPS Times. The test flight was part of the NA’AMA initiative, a project to push the boundaries of Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operation and accelerate the adoption of UAS in urban environments. During the tests, cyber security company infiniDome is reported to increase GNSS resiliency by 400% in the hostile jamming environment.

The drone’s GPS receiver overcame GPS jamming scenarios using infiniDome’s GPSdome protection which locked on and maintained the GNSS signals throughout the jamming tests.

InfiniDome’s GPSdome anti-jamming solution is designed as an affordable add-on module that protects GNSS/GPS receivers. The patented system uses two off-the-shelf antennas to interface with the GNSS receiver at the RF level, adding anti-jamming capabilities in real-time. GPSdome maintains the receiver’s GPS signal throughout jamming attacks or in the presence of unintentional RF interference. Attenuating the RF interference signal in real time allows for continuity of normal operation by maintaining availability of the drone’ s autonomous and semi-autonomous modes which are GNSS-dependent, according to The GPS Times.

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