DroneShield upgrades software for body-worn RfPatrol MKII platform

DroneShield is upgrading the software of its RF-based threat detector for its various counterdrone products, including body-worn RfPatrol MKIITM platform. The 2Q2020 software upgrade will be available for all customers and fielded devices starting 1 July 2020.

RfPatrol MKIIT is a body-worn passive (non-emitting) drone detection device. As the drone threat evolves, DroneShield provides quarterly updates to ensure its customers receive continuous counterdrone protection.

2Q2020 quarter update includes a number of new drone models from multiple manufacturers, as well as performance enhancements and general firmware updates. In addition, this update includes detection and identification of signatures commonly associated with First Person View (FPV), hobbyist and homemade drones.

Oleg Vornik, DroneShield’s CEO, commented, “DroneShield is committed to keeping users of our products ahead of the quickly evolving drone threat. Rapidly adapting software is a key feature of our solutions.”

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