DroneShield integrates C-UAS command and control platform with US DoD TAK system

Counter drone company DroneShield reports successful integration of its sensor and command and control platforms with the US Government’s Team Awareness Kit (TAK). The TAK system, originally developed by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), is used extensively throughout the US Department of Defense (DoD) and Allied forces.

The integration allows for operators in the field to receive detailed threat detection information to improve their situational awareness, in a common format compliant across a range of systems, says the DroneShield press release. DroneShield sensors including RfPatrol, RfOne and DroneSentry-X are now able to stream data directly to TAK servers providing both command Operations Centers and field operators access to the real-time sensor information and intelligence.

DroneShield’s Command-and-Control (C2) platform, DroneSentry-C2, which utilizes AI and Machine Learning (AI/ML) and Sensor Fusion technologies, is also compliant with the TAK communication standard. This enables operators to use DroneShield’s distributed sensor network, integrating data from multiple sensors and sensor modalities including radar, radio frequency (RF) and electro-optical (EO) and thermal recognition to provide an integrated picture of threat assessments onto their personal TAK device. Both DroneShield sensors and the C2 system have implemented the Cursor-on-Target (CoT) protocol as the means of sending information to TAK and interoperable systems. The CoT protocol is widely used amongst US prime contractor platforms and their US DoD, Federal Law Enforcement, and Allied Forces customers.
DroneShield Chief Technology Officer, Angus Bean, commented, “Battlespace is rapidly evolving, and robotic platforms continue to be both a central capability and a threat to Allied forces. It is critical that DroneShield technology can meaningfully contribute to building this battlespace awareness. Common operating platforms such as TAK empower wide-ranging technologies and to generate a cross-compatible system of sensors and operating platforms.”

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