D-Fend introduces new multi-sensor command & control sensor management system

Counter drone company D-Fend has launched a new Multi-Sensor Command & Control (MSC2) system designed to control multiple sensors used by it EnforceAir anti-drone solution. By controlling multiple EnforceAir sensors remotely from a single server, MSC2 facilitates expanded and uninterrupted coverage for rogue drone detection and mitigation, without increasing the number of personnel needed to operate the multiple EnforceAir systems, says the D-Fend press release.

MSC2 is designed to integrate into third-party C2 systems, enabling law enforcement and military system operators to view EnforceAir’s drone information on general, map-based C2 platforms, with an option to trigger mitigation via the third-party platforms. Organizations can integrate EnforceAir into their work processes and expand operational awareness beyond the tactical team operating EnforceAir.

By aggregating information from all sensors across the site, MSC2 provides operational awareness to support mission-critical decisions and is designed to eliminate duplications if multiple sensors detect the same drone. The MSC2 server then selects the best sensor to initiate mitigation, after factoring for interference, radio parameters and ranges.

The EnforceAir systems managed by MSC2 can be affixed to vehicles or ships, covertly if necessary, set up as stationary deployments on low or high ground, or used tactically in the field.

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