Australia sends additional C-UAS systems to Ukraine, including DroneShield

The Australian government is sending additional military assistance to Ukraine in a AUD20 million package that includes counter-UAS systems from DroneShield, as well as demining systems and 3D printers.

The latest package brings Australian assistance to Ukraine to over AUD910 million. “Australia remains steadfast in supporting Ukraine to defend itself against Russia’s illegal and immoral invasion,” said Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, announcing the package. “This contribution will provide Ukraine with some of the best capabilities in the world, while investing in Australia’s sovereign defence industry and technology sector”.

Details of the DroneShield equipment to be supplied have not yet been disclosed. Australia-based Electro-Optic Systems (EOS) recently announced it is sending ten Slinger C-UAS systems to Ukraine.

For more information: Australian Capabilities to continue Supporting Ukraine | Defence Ministers

(Image: Although details of the DroneShield systems to be supplied have not been released, Unmanned Airspace has reason to believe they include the firm’s DroneGun. Credit: DroneShield)



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