Dutch drone campus handles 2,400 flights annually, generates EUR26 million in first five years

An independent report published on the Dutch drone campus Unmanned Valley, located on the site of a former Naval Air Station at Valkenburg, reveals the facility has generated EUR 26 million for the economy generally. Unmanned Valley focuses on innovation and development of drones.

According to the report by the research bureau Ecorys, the Unmanned Valley drone campus has experienced extraordinary growth in the past five years.

According to the report, Unmanned Valley generates no less than 26 million euros annually on location, making an important contribution to both the local and supra-local economy. In addition, Unmanned Valley has created 160 direct jobs in the region. The Ecorys report also shows that the campus is not only increasingly important to the municipality of Katwijk, but also stimulates and strengthens the wider economy. The estimated impact amounts to 11 million euros annually in the region. Outside the area, Unmanned Valley has created an additional 126 jobs across its value chain.

With this final report under its arm, Unmanned Valley has completed the five-year trial period with a more than sufficient mark. In fact, initial expectations have been exceeded. With 2,400 flights per year, Unmanned Valley has established itself as a leading location for the development of unmanned systems. Not only on a local or national level, but according to the evaluation, the campus belongs to the leading European group.

 “We will continue to contribute to economic growth, employment and sustainable innovations in the region and beyond. Unmanned Valley is here to stay and will continue to be at the forefront of the fast-growing drone industry,” said Director Theo de Vries.

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