PansaUTM launches automated flight authorisation and e-registration system

On 21 December, DroneRadar together with Poland’s air navigation service provider PANSA started tests of dFPL, allowing drone pilots to submit dFPL (drone Flight Plans) in a simple, fully digitised manner. Almost a hundred of the most active drone pilots in Poland received access to the PansaUTM platform.

The new dFPL system enables e-registration, the creation of missions in accordance with applicable regulations, specific operations risk assessment (SORA) and takes into account the structure of fixed and flexible (FUA) elements of airspace.

According to DroneRadar:

“When a planned mission passes through the area of responsibility of multiple Local Administration Units (LAU), the system starts a “parallel processing” module, becoming the drone pilots’ ambassador in acquiring all necessary approvals. The attached diagram (above) illustrates the process of receiving approval to fly in places where such approval is required by laws and aviation regulations… Tests of the new functionality are being performed at PANSA in parallel with platform certification works. Considering the start of an ANSP certification process in the flight plan and e-registration areas, this might be a world first.”

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